Or at least it's the best thread in my humble opinion. It's called "
Lets be nonresponsive" (great grammar, huh?), and it was started by none other than yours truly. I was particularly frustrated one day with OPs who were consistently ignoring advice/points of view from multiple posters . . . so I went to etsy's "Etc." forum section and started this thread. And it's still going!! 760 posts and going strong.
It's a very simple - and entertaining - premise. Everyone posts whatever they want, and then no one ever responds. It's a lot harder than it sounds sometimes. Check out these gems, for example:
- "Where'd I put my post-its?
Oh, there they are."
- "The Wiggles make me feel like beating my head into the wall."
- "Its not a good idea to try to catch a mouse by trapping it under a rug."
- "Don't test if your soldering iron is hot with your fingers. It hurts."
- "I just accidently stapled my eye with a staple gun - what should I do? I am seriously thinking of doing the other eye too so they match? good idea?"
- "My 5-year-old asked me how o spell "sing," and I said "SING" and he said, "No, there's a W in it." and then the 3-year-old said, "I think it has a K." Am I doing something wrong?"
- "Recently I said "Oh look! Dickins is giving fluff to the guinea pig!" in my sleep."
There are literally TONS more where those babies came from. You should come join in on the fun. Really you should.