It's a very simple - and entertaining - premise. Everyone posts whatever they want, and then no one ever responds. It's a lot harder than it sounds sometimes. Check out these gems, for example:
- "Where'd I put my post-its?
Oh, there they are."
- "The Wiggles make me feel like beating my head into the wall."
- "Its not a good idea to try to catch a mouse by trapping it under a rug."
- "Don't test if your soldering iron is hot with your fingers. It hurts."
- "I just accidently stapled my eye with a staple gun - what should I do? I am seriously thinking of doing the other eye too so they match? good idea?"
- "My 5-year-old asked me how o spell "sing," and I said "SING" and he said, "No, there's a W in it." and then the 3-year-old said, "I think it has a K." Am I doing something wrong?"
- "Recently I said "Oh look! Dickins is giving fluff to the guinea pig!" in my sleep."
I've noticed that thread there, but alas, I have not participated. I'm going to right now!
i find the purple almost impossible to read, btw....
nice blog!
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