Friday, April 25, 2008

Represting in the Gift Guides

I went through all the gift guides on today, and FOUR of my items are currently being featured. Yay!

My creme card wallet is featured in the Spring gift guide.

Blueberry is in the Children gift guide.

My yellow fleece layered pillow is in the House Warming gift guide.

And my favorite card wallet - the awesome grey wool one - is in the Bag Lady gift guide!

Yay!!! It was so fun seeing my stuff in these various gift guides :)

1 comment:

Hannah said...

I had NO idea how crafty you were!! I LOVE your stuff... I have a few friends who sell stuff on Etsy!

It is getting cold here--so as soon as I actually get a good sized paycheck I might just have to shop a little bit!!

Nice chatting with you the other day!